Avira Internet Security 2012 Full + Key HBEDV adalah Antivirus yang memberikan perlindungan total pada komputer Anda dari berbagai ancaman virus, worm, trojan, malware, hacker, spyware, adware, situs berbahaya, dan beragam ancaman lainnya. Selain dilengkapi anti-virus dasar, Avira Internet Security 2012 Full Version dilengkapi dengan firewall, webguard, mail protection, anti-phising, anti-adware, anti-malware, anti-spam, game mode, child protection (pemblokir situs porno), dan beragam fitur lainnya yang sangat handal. Perbedaan antara Avira Premium 2012 dengan Avira Internet Security 2012 hanya terletak pada fitur firewall. Avira Internet Security 2012 dilengkapi fitur firewall sehingga lintas internet Anda lebih aman sedangkan Avira Premium 2012 tidak dilengkapi firewall.
- System Scanner detects the latest known viruses, worms and Trojans fast
- AntiSpam filters out unwanted and phishing emails.
- AntiBot blocks hackers’ attempts to take over your computer.
- AntiPhishing protects you against identity theft attacks.
- AntiAd/Spyware shuts out online spies and annoying pop-ups
- Rootkit Protection keeps you safe from hidden malware that conventional antivirus can’t find.
- Real-Time Protection prevents infection from viruses, worms and Trojans.
- FireWall adds an extra layer of defense against intrusions.
- ProActive halts undiscovered threats by tracking their behavior.
- AHeAD Technology inspects unfamiliar code for suspicious signs.
- Web Protection stops you from landing on malicious websites.
- AntiDrive-by blocks unwanted software downloads while you surf.
- Mail Protection keeps infected emails at a safe distance from your inbox.
- Quick Removal eliminates viruses in one click.
- Generic Repair removes all traces of infection automatically.
- Backup System lets you recover your data in case of an accident, infection or theft.
- Rescue System jumpstarts your PC in an emergency.
- Express Installation configures perfectly tuned security in a few clicks.
- Netbook Support works fast on low resolution, low memory laptops
- Live Support provides interactive help from an Avira expert.
- Game Mode suspends unnecessary alerts during games and movies.
- Child Protection makes it easy to monitor your children’s internet use
- Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Windows XP SP3 (32-bit)
- Windows XP SP2 (64-bit)
- Min. 1024 MB RAM (Windows Vista, Windows 7)
- Min. 512 MB RAM (Windows XP)
- Min. 150 MB available disk space (additional temporary and quarantine space needed)
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